Migraine Treatment in Ayurveda

 Migraine Treatment in Ayurveda 

Migraine, Causes, Signs, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment 

A Migraine is a primary headache condition that is accompanied by a throbbing, painful pain usually on one side of the head. 

Migraine isn’t just a bad headache; it is a neurological condition with intense neurological symptoms. 

In rare cases, Migraine attacks can affect both sides of the head. 

Migraine is usually triggered by: 

1) Stress 

2) Hormones 

3) Sometimes the environment 

Migraine is the 3rd most prevalent illness in the world. 

Migraine is recurrent and can either be moderate or severe.


Globally, approximately 12% of people are affected by Migraine. 

About 75% of Migraine sufferers are women. 

A Chronic Migraine is one of the most common causes of disability. 

Migraine attacks can affect a person’s ability to perform normal everyday task. 

Migraine is prevalent in people suffering from Asthma, Depression, Anxiety, Neurologic disorder. 

Children with either one parent or both parents are at higher risks of having Migraine. 

Stress, Lack of food or sleep, Hormonal changes in women, especially during Menstruation, Unusual smells, Certain foods, Smoking, Intense physical activity, Loud sounds etc. 

What is the Ayurvedic Viewpoint on Migraine? 

Migraine is a kind of headache and it is really a very bad kind of headache. 

It is really sometimes a headache for us to also treat this because it is not very easy to treat but if we look from Ayurvedic perspective we have been able to get very good results in Chronic Migraine patients. 

In Ayurveda whenever we want to treat some disease first thing, we want to know is,


What is the root cause of this problem? 

What is the cause so we don't just try to kill the pain by just giving some medicines? 

We try to go to the root and remove the root so that the pain is permanently finished and gone. 

Migraine is a type of headache in Ayurveda. 

It means half of your head is paining. 

So, in migraine this is considered to be one of the prime things that usually it is not the complete head which is paining but one side of the head.  

The pain is generally you know localized behind the eye and it is characterized with some specific kind of very severe pain. 

Sometimes people will say they feel not sure they feel like vomiting.


Sometimes they do really vomit, sometimes they cannot really even bear any kind of light or sound or anybody talking very loudly. 

There is a type of headache which increases with the Sun and goes down with the Sun.  

What could be the cause of migraine? 

According to our weather if we speak in our terminology there are three doshas in the body, Vata, Pitta and Kapha. 

It is considered that Migraine or Headaches can be caused by all three different types of doshas. 

But specifically talking about migraine primarily Vata and Pitta are involved. 

Pitta which is the fire element which is the dosha which represents fire element in the body. 

Whenever the Pitta will increase specifically it will manifest as hyper acidity. 

So many of these people who suffer from Migraine they sometimes will also complain that they have hyper acidity and then this starts to have some kind of no acid reflux, sometimes the burps.                                                               

If the acid is too much the buildup in the head area there is a strong buildup pain. 

When you have this chronic acidity, hyper acidity problem then this can actually make your Vata in the head which means your nervous system becomes tense and stretched. 

So that is where the Vata is aggravated. 

The Pitta is aggravated in the digestive system and the Vata is aggravated in the nervous system. 

Very often people don't know this and they just keep on taking Pitta type of foods. 

People who suffer from Migraines please do not drink Tea, Coffee, Alcohol, Smoking, Fried, Acidic, Citrus Fruits, Yogurt, Tomatoes, Raw Onions, Vinegar anything which is sour and acidic completely stop it immediately. 

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So, this will take care at least 20 to 25 percent of your problem will be taken care. 

Because here we are not talking about just suppressing the pain, we are removing the root cause of the problem. 

Second thing is Vata which is localized in the head area in the nerves. 

What we do to real balance the Vata? 

Just a gentle head massage. 

If you can do it every day in the evening put some almond oil in your nostrils three to four drops especially when you are going to bed. 

What this oil in the head or oil in the nose will do? 

It will lubricate the neuro-pathways. 

It will relax the nerves.


You can also do a little bit of like deep breathing, Shavasana, also Meditation. 

You know just meditation means just trying to keep your mind quiet and calm. 

But most important what is the cause for Vata aggravation. 

Vata is like sometimes you are listening to the music all the time, watching TV, working on computers, watching TV and eating food. 

Too much of other type of foods which are very cold and dry. 

Crunchy crispy things like chips, popcorns, crunchy cookies, drinking, ice cold water, ice creams this is highly Vata increasing. 

Excessive traveling you should be very careful if you are suffering from Migraine. 

It is better you be more grounded. 

Drink something warm. Soupier more liquid. 

Ghee is very nice. 

In our Ayurveda we know this ghee is very important which can help you also to nourish your nerves and relax the brain. 

So, taking care of the acid relaxing the nerves and nourishing the nerves is the line of treatment for migraine. 

Considering about Panchakarma treatments very effective. 

Shirodhara is very effective. 

Very important thing majority of the people in the world who suffer from migraine they have a lot of connection of Migraine with mental stress.


Mental stress can be due to some kind of problem in the family, there could be some relation problems, some kind of problem in the job, emotional stress can also cause this Migraine. 

So, very important is to be happy in the mind. 

It is most important that we do realize the spiritual aspect of life. 

We must understand that I am soul and I am in this body and I have to take care of myself also. 

It is not that I am just taking care of my body and mind. 

But generally, people even don't do that. 

They are always busy destroying their body and mind. 

So, in our Ayurveda we take a holistic approach. 

Please consult your doctor immediately if the Headache or Migraine is severe. 

So, I hope you can just get some idea and try to get rid of this very severe and very disturbing problem Migraine. 

Migraine can really make your life very bad. 

I am very happy to share this knowledge with you and I will always advise you and recommend that if you are suffering from or if some of your friends or some family or some dear ones are suffering from Migraines or Chronic headaches please straight away connect to Ayurveda. 

I hope you like this blog on How to take care in Migraine? Share with your family and friends. 

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