Signs of Thyroid Problems in Women

 Signs of Thyroid Problems in Women 

The Thyroid, a butterfly shaped gland in the neck, can have a major impact on a huge variety of bodily functions, and in women over 35 years, Thyroid disorder are high. 

Women are as much as 10 times as likely as men to have a Thyroid problem. 

Located above the Adam’s apple, your Thyroid produces Thyroid hormone (TH), which regulates among other things, your body’s temperature, metabolism, and heartbeat. 

Things can start to go wrong when your Thyroid is under or over active. If it is sluggish it produces too little TH, amped up and it produces too much. 

What disturbs your Thyroid Function? 

It could be genetics, an autoimmune attack, pregnancy, stress, nutritional deficiencies or toxins in the environment. 

Here are some common signs that you have a Thyroid problem: 

1)You are exhausted: Feeling tired and having no energy are issues associated with lots of conditions but they are strongly linked with Hypothyroidism, the disorder that is the result of too little Thyroid hormone. 

If you are tired in the morning or all day after a full night sleep that is a sign that your Thyroid may be underactive. 

2)You are feeling down: Feeling unusually depressed or sad can also be a symptom of Hypothyroidism. 

3)You feel Anxious: Anxiety are associated with Hyperthyroidism. When the Thyroid gland is making too much Thyroid hormone. 

If you feel like this you just can’t relax, your Thyroid may be hyper. 

4)Your appetite or taste buds are altered: An increased appetite can be a sign of Hyperthyroidism, when too much Thyroid hormone may have you feeling hungry all of the time. 

The only upside is that the hyper part of the disorder typically offsets the caloric impact of an increased appetite, so the end result isn’t weight gain. 

An underactive Thyroid on the other hand can mess with your sense of taste and smell. 

5)Your Brain feels fuzzy: It could be caused by sleep deprivation or aging but cognitive functioning can take a hit when your Thyroid is out of whack. 

Too much Thyroid hormone (Hyperthyroidism) can cause difficulty concentrating and too little (Hypothyroidism) may cause forgetfulness and general brain fog. 

6)You are feeling all fluttery: Fluttery feeling you are having may be heart palpitations.  

It can feel like your heart is actually fluttering or skipping a beat or two or beating too hard or too quickly. 

You may notice these feelings in your chest or at pulse points in your throat or neck. 

Heart flutters or palpations can be a sign of too many Thyroid hormones flooding your system (Hyperthyroidism). 

7)Your skin is dry: Skin that is dry and itchy can be a symptom of Hyperthyroidism. 

The change in skin texture and appearance is probably due to slowed metabolism (caused by too little Thyroid hormone production), which can reduce sweating. 

Skin without enough moisture can quickly become dry and flaky. Likewise, nails can become brittle and may develop ridges. 

8)Your Bowels are unpredictable: People with Hypothyroidism sometimes complain of Constipation. 

The disruption in hormone production has likely caused a slowdown of digestive processes. 

On other side an overactive Thyroid gland can cause diarrhea or more frequent bowel movements which is why they are symptoms of Hyperthyroidism. 

10 Top Foods to Control High Blood Pressure Read More.

9)Your Periods have changed: Longer menstrual periods with a heavier flow and more cramps can be a sign of Hypothyroidism where Thyroid hormones are in short supply.  

Periods may be closer together. 

With Hyperthyroidism, high levels of TH cause menstrual irregularities in a different way. 

Periods are shorter, farther apart and may be very light. 

There is a strong link between irregular cycles and Thyroid problems.  

And if periods are extra heavy you may need to think of anemia too. 

10)You have painful Extremities or Muscles: If you have mysterious or sudden tingling or numbness or actual pain in your arms, legs, feet or hand that could be a sign of Hypothyroidism. 

Overtime producing too little Thyroid hormone can damage the nerves that send signals from your brain and spinal cord throughout your body.


11)You have High Blood Pressure: Elevated blood pressure can be a symptom of a Thyroid disorder. 

Both Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism have been fingered as culprits. 

By some estimates, people with Hypothyroidism have two- or three-times risk of developing hypertension. 

Low amounts of Thyroid hormone can slow heartbeat, which can affect pumping strength and blood vessel wall flexibility. 

Both may cause a rise in blood pressure. 

12)Your thermostat is on the Fritz: Feeling cold or having chills is associated with Hypothyroidism. 

The system slows down causes by an underactive Thyroid means less energy is being burned by cells. Less energy equals less heat. 

On the other hand, an overactive Thyroid puts energy producing cells into overdrive. 

So, people with Hyperthyroidism sometimes feel too warm or sweat profusely. 

13)A change in the voice: A change in your voice or a lump in your throat could be a sign of a Thyroid disorder. 

One way to check is to take a good look at your neck to see if you can detect any signs of Thyroid swelling. 

Using a hand mirror watch your throat as you swallow a drink of water.


You are looking for any bulges or protrusions in the Thyroid area which is below your Adam’s apple but above your collar bones.


You may want to try this several times to get a hang of where your Thyroid really is. 

If you see anything that lumpy or suspicious, see your doctor immediately. 

14)Your sleep schedule is messed up: Want to sleep all of the time? It could be Hypothyroidism. 

A sluggish Thyroid can slow bodily functions down to the point where sleeping even in the daytime seems like a brilliant idea. 

Can’t sleep? It could be Hyperthyroidism. 

An overactive Thyroid can cause anxiety and rapid pulse which can make it hard to fall asleep or even wake you in the middle of the night. 

15)You have Gained Weight: Going up a few dress sizes can be caused by so many things that it is unlikely your doctor will look at weight gain alone as a potential Thyroid disorder symptom. 

However, weight gain is one of the top reasons  women show up for a Thyroid checkup. 

They aren’t eating any more than usual, they are exercising but they are gaining weight and can’t lose it. 

It is almost always due to an underactive Thyroid. 

On the other end of the scale, a sudden weight loss can signal Hyperthyroidism. 

16)Your Hair is thinning or falling out: Dry, brittle hair that breaks or falls out can be a sign of Hypothyroidism.  

Too little Thyroid hormone disrupts your hair growth cycle and puts too many follicles into resting mode resulting in hair loss sometimes all over your body including at the outside of your eyebrows. 

If you are losing hair, you may need to go ask your doctor about your Thyroid. 

An overactive Thyroid can also do a number on your hair. 

Hair issues due to Hyperthyroidism typically show up as thinning hair just on your head.


17)You have trouble getting Pregnant: If you have been trying to have a baby for an extended period of time with no luck, an under or over active Thyroid could be a contributing factor. 

Difficulty conceiving has been linked to a higher risk of undiagnosed Thyroid problems. 

Both Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism can interfere with ovulation, which impairs fertility.


Thyroid disorders are also linked to pregnancy complications. 

18)You have high Cholesterol: High levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol that haven’t responded to diet, exercise or medication have been linked to Hypothyroidism. 

Elevated levels of the bad cholesterol can be caused by an underactive Thyroid and are cause for concern. 

Untreated Hypothyroidism can lead to heart problems including an enlarged heart and heart failure. 

Get your Thyroid tested: If you have one or more of these symptoms and suspect it is your Thyroid see your doctor and ask for a Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) test. 

Based on test results your symptoms and your physical exam you may be prescribed synthetic hormones. 

Testing and treating a Thyroid disorder takes a bit of trial and error so expect to visit the doctor a few times before the dosage is right. 

So, this were some signs of Thyroid which could be a helpful for a woman. 

I hope you like this information regarding Thyroid. Share with your family and friends specially to a woman. 

“Stay Healthy Stay Happy” 

Any suggestion is welcome. Let us know in the comment section. 






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